
HouPy Wiki


This project is powered by you! You can contribute anything you feel is worth knowing or sharing.

Method 1:

Go to the GitHub and make a pull request.

Add your page under it's respective folder (or create a new one), and bundle your images in the folder if you need them.

If you want to be really fancy, you can help me out by adding FrontMatter to your markdown file, at the top of the .md file like this:

title: "How to contribute"
author: [{ name: "Luke Van", link: "" }]

Method 2:

Construct a folder with your .md file and the images if needed. As above, FrontMatter is greatly appreciated as it saves a lot of time.

Then, click through to the upload page and fill in the appropriate fields, upload your folder as an archive of your choice, and submit!

Contributed by:
Picture of the author

As with any free project, and support of any type is always appreciated. Be it a donation, a submission or even some kind words on the Discord server, everything is a huge help to me!

You can buy me a coffee, or you contribute to the server if you feel like you want to give something back.

If you got this far, thank you!

Contributed by:
Picture of the author

Thank you very much to:

Luke Van for 23 pages

WaffleBoyTom for 9 pages

Contributed by:
Picture of the author